8 appear in front of Manistee County judge after weekend arrests

The following news items are reprinted from the Manistee Daily News for the week Aug. 25-31, 1922 and are compiled by Teena Kracht from the newspaper archives of the Manistee County Historical Museum. For more 100 Years Ago go to manisteenews.com.
“The merchants of Manistee and the farmers of the whole county returned to their regular routine this morning after experiencing one of the most interesting and busiest days of their lives at Orchard Beach state park yesterday, at the biggest and best Merchants-Farmers picnic held since the inauguration of this county festival.
“Aided by the presence of the U. S. S. Dubuque and the two sub-chasers … the picnic yesterday drew the largest crowd which has ever attended this annual festivity at the park.
“An estimate of the parking committee places the number of cars parked by its members at close to 1,500, which would bring the attendance, including the large number taken to the picnic grounds by city buses, to about 6,000 people …
“The program began at 9 o’clock in the morning, when Mike Kliber’s band, which is as necessary for the Merchants-Farmers picnics as are the eats, opened with a band concert on River Street. Many people took the opportunity of inspecting the naval craft moored at the Nessen docks at the foot of Oak Street, and crowded Maple and Smith Street bridges to see the start and finish of the cutter races staged by the crews of the gunboat and the subchaser at 10 o’clock.
“At the picnic grounds, the horseshoe pitching contest to decide the county championship was the principal morning attraction …
“And then followed the eats …
“Some of the kids were given a double chance to fill their stomachs, for immediately after the dinner, the pie-eating contest was held …
“The greased-pig catching contest was staged after the baseball game, the huge sow being let loose on the baseball diamond …
“Mr. C. E. Parmalee (of the Winchester company) gave an excellent exhibition of expert shooting, using a number of different guns …
“In anticipation of the rain shower, Mr. Parmalee showered his audience with small pieces of bricks which he shattered while in the air, causing fragments to fall in all directions. The shattering of a can of tomatoes, causing the contents to spread far and wide, also proved interesting, although disastrous to the shirts of a number of men toward the front of the crowd.
“Sidelights of the Picnic …
“The concert by Mike Kliber’s band yesterday afternoon at Orchard Beach was remindful of former days when similar concerts were given every Sunday afternoon and evening.
“A number of the local manufacturing companies closed at noon yesterday, along with the stores, to allow their employes to attend the picnic.
“Six big wash boilers of coffee were constantly kept on the fire yesterday during the meal hour …
“Quite a number of candidates for nomination at the primary, Sept. 12, took the opportunity yesterday to campaign among the multitude …
“Although there was a constant stream of traffic between Manistee and Orchard Beach state park yesterday only one auto accident is reported to have occurred … This is considered fortunate, considering the large number of bad spots in the road between the Junction and the park and the dusty condition of the surface yesterday.
“Police Officer Dahlke was stationed on Arthur Street yesterday afternoon, seeing to it that the speed law was obeyed. Two arrests were made … .
“‘Turn to the Right,’ a notable play with a notable cast, drew the record crowd to date for the Manistee Chautauqua last night . Not in years have Manistee people been privileged to see so high class a stage production here, and the large gathering evidenced its appreciation unreservedly … .
“‘It is only a matter of time now when the St. Lawrence waterway, to cost $252,000,000 … will be built,’ declared Senator Charles E. Townsend yesterday afternoon in an address at the Merchants and Farmers picnic …
“‘Today we are only awaiting Canada’s consent. The American government is already committed to the project, and I feel that despite New York’s opposition we have votes enough to put the project through … It will make Michigan a seaboard state. It will enable the Michigan farmer and the Michigan manufacturer to ship his products by water to our own Atlantic seaboard and to foreign ports. It will reduce railroad rates to the seaboard … .’
Pg. 3
“Attach Yourself To the End of a Soda Straw at the City Drug Store Soda Fountain and you will enjoy one of the most delicious glasses of soda you ever tasted … City Drug Store … A pleasant place to come to treat yourself or your friends … .
“Picnic’s over … And we’ve had a rain. Now there’s some work to do.
“With all its faults, the automobile has added years to the life of the porch swing.
“Noah Little says: Necessity is the foster parent of some darn queer ideas.
“Harry Nordhouse, back from New York (on a buying trip), says short skirts are on their last legs. Maybe.
“It is almost unnecessary to explain that no sympathetic strike was ever out of sympathy for the public.
“As Noah Heap puts it: When you see two men in the front seat and two women in the back it’s a safe bet they are either married or kin.
Pg. 4
“Kills Pesky Bed Bugs P. D. Q. Just think, a 35 cent box of P. D. Q. (Pesky Devils Quietus), makes a quart, enough to kill a million bedbugs, roaches, fleas or cooties and stops future generations by killing the eggs and does not injure the clothing (bedding).
“Liquid fire to the bedbugs is what P. D. Q. is like, bedbugs stand as good a chance as a snowball in a justly famed heat resort. Patent spout free in every package of P. D. Q. to enable you to kill them and their eggs in the cracks. P. D. Q. can also be purchased in sealed bottles, double strength, liquid form.
“Sold by City Drug Store, A. H. Lyman Drug Store and other leading druggists. — Adv.
Pg. 6
“(Full page ad.) Attend Our Opening Saturday! Announcing TOP-NOTCH VALUES At Bottom-Notch Prices that Appeal to Men, Women and Children!
“In this first presentation to you of our regular year ‘round values, it is our special desire that you carefully consider the real worth and character of the quality of our merchandise. In this way, we believe you can more accurately judge the purchasing power of your money here compared with its ability in the past to buy for you. Remember, buying in large quantities of goods for our 371 Department Stores we can give you savings that are unequaled. Service, Justice and Equality, in addition to our verifiable values, are to make of this store a Shoppers’ Service Store Superior! Please consider the appended offerings. BUYING FOR OUR 371 STORES ASSURES THE LOWEST PRICES. You Pay Less–Get More!! The Best Way to Prove These Values Is to Compare Them With Goods on Sale Elsewhere. Space Does Not Permit Listing All Our Prices. Come to the Store and You Will See All Our Prices Are Low. A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION–J. C. Penney Co. Incorporated. 371 DEPARTMENT STORES. MAPLE & RIVER STREETS, MANISTEE, MICH., IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. (Accompanied by full page of illustrations, lists, descriptions, etc. — T. K.)
Aug. 26, pg. 1
“ … Speaking on ‘The Creed of the Flag,’ Dr. Robert McGowan of Pittsburgh, poet and lecturer, delivered one of the most brilliant addresses of the entire Chautauqua program yesterday afternoon.
“Dr. McGowan dealt with the vital subject of American democracy and explained to his audience how such a government surpasses all others in opportunities for progress for the individual citizen … .
“The third annual encampment of the International Society of Applied Psychology at Ford Lake, near Fountain, is drawing to a successful close. It opened the first of July and will close the first of September … This year it has grown to 150 inhabitants, some coming as others leave.
“While primarily a religious cult, they do not affect long hair or walk serenely through the woods … they are people whose religion is the philosophy of optimism. They are just like the people one would meet at a conventional summer resort … except that they take the matter of living more calmly …
“A regular daily program is followed in camp, marked by lectures … given in what is called the ‘cathedral,’ a large open space in the woods … In the evening a huge fire is built in the center and the students gather around it to listen attentively.
“The eating of meat is discouraged, and the menu … is composed largely of vegetables, fruits and nuts in the raw. This food service is conducted under the direction of the American Raw Food, Health and Psychological club …
“For the future of the society there are rosy dreams. (Founder) Dr. Orlando E. Miller, Ph. D., and his converts have secured a thousand acres of land bordering Ford Lake … and to this sylvan retreat it is expected that thousands of people will come to listen to the teachings of applied psychology and through them seek health and happiness.
“LANSING, Aug. 26. — State Fuel Administrator William F. Potter sent telegrams to all Michigan senators and congressmen in Washington today urging them to take whatever steps were within their power to aid in relief for Michigan in the fuel crisis.
“He outlined the condition of the state, telling them there is no coal, none has been received and immediate action is imperative.
Pg. 3
“The J. C. Penney store, one of the chain of 371 department stores in the United States, opened its doors for business this morning in the Engleman block. This is one of the 59 new stores to be opened this year.
“The store is well stocked with a large variety of merchandise, filling the needs of men and boys as well as women and children. The stock is well arranged in the roomy interior on shelves along both sides and counters along the center of the floor. Ample space is given the customers to look over the stock.
“Business during the first half of the day was very brisk, according to Manager Heater, who is very well pleased with the interest Manistee people are showing. The store employs 17 clerks.
“Heads up, boxing enthusiasts. Another leather-pushing program has been arranged for your edification next Friday night in Ramsdell hall, under the auspices of the Elks club … .
“If beavers and muskrats can read at all they are probably building their houses in a way to withstand a tough winter.
“ … There are many going around who pretend to be a great deal more than they are, while all of us like to feel that we are really just a little bit better than the other fellow. And so we put on airs and styles, and brag about our jobs and incomes and buy an auto, and sometimes play golf.
“As Noah Heap puts it: Besides being school month September has five bath nights.
“Steel workers have been given a large increase in wages. They will probably accept this without a strike.
“The fact that Michigan’s coal quota has been cut in half is a reminder of the famous mathematical observation that nuthin’ from nuthin’ leaves nuthin’.
“Mothers appreciate the fact that getting the children off to school again will be the same old added task, but they realize, too, that with school in session they will at least know where the children are.
Aug. 28, pg. 1
“For the second time last week Chatauqua audiences were delighted with an American comedy drama presented by a New York cast, when ‘Friendly Enemies’ was given as the Redpath Saturday night program. The play is a popular dramatic success and was presented by an exceptionally capable group of players …
“‘Failures of the Misfits’ was the subject of an intensely interesting lecture by Chester Milton Stanford, noted vocational expert Saturday afternoon …
“In response to an inquiry as to a good field open to women, he recommended learning to operate the linotype machine as a profitable, pleasant vocation and one in which there will be openings for years to come … .
Pg. 3
“Five persons, comprising a party which drove out to LaSalle’s corner in Mason county yesterday in a new Ford sedan driven by E. W. Cunningham of Oak Hill, today are congratulating themselves on a miraculous escape from serious injury or death.
“Approaching the Sauble river bridge on the old state road, a tire blowout caused Mr. Cunningham to lose control of the car. Swerving from the road, the car plunged down a 15-foot embankment and landed bottom-side up in the stream, the wheels spinning in the air above water. The imprisoned passengers extricated themselves by breaking the glass in the sides of the enclosed car, and except for slight contusions and scratches were reported uninjured.
“A call for the wrecking crew of the Thompson Auto company brought a quick response. The overturned car was snaked from two or three feet of mud and water … and it was found that the sole damage consisted of a slightly mussed-up left front fender and the breakage of glass necessary to the escape of the passengers. A little gasoline and oil put in the machine, the blown-out tire changed, and it was driven back to the garage here … .
“That you can’t race and get away with it when Officer Dahlke is around, was once more shown by the arrest for speeding Saturday of Helen Todt and David Olson.
“The two appeared in Justice Greve’s office this morning and were each assessed $5 and costs after they had pleaded guilty …
“Officer Dahlke claimed that the two were driving their cars along the east end of River Street at a rate of about 25 mph, the one passing the other at intervals until halted. Miss Todt claimed that she was not driving more than 20 mph … .
“Justice Greve’s court here had regular big city atmosphere this morning, when eight offenders arrested over the weekend appeared before him, four on drunk charges, one for driving a car without a driver’s license, two on the charge of speeding ($5 and costs for first offense; $10 and costs for second offense in these seven cases) and one for assault and battery after a free-for-all fight at a party in Filer City ($2 and costs; defendant appearing with two ‘shiners’ — T. K.).
“Announcement was today made by H. A. Danville, local branch manager, that automobile license plates will be issued after Sept. 1 at half price … According to a former letter received by Mr. Danville, all branch offices were to close Sept. 1 and were not to issue plates thereafter.
“Reservations last night for the steamer Manitou of the Michigan Transit line were so heavy that a large number had to be refused accommodations. Several preferred to stay over and leave today on the Missouri.
“A visit to the tourists’ camp at Orchard Beach brings the discovery that while many women tourists wear kaki (khaki) knickers and rough shirts in keeping with their hardy life, they still find that it is essential to the feminine make-up to daub on rouge profusely, wear earrings and do up the hair painstakingly.
“What’s worse than one of these summer colds and no handkerchiefs?
“A field of goldenrod looks attractive from a distance, but it is no place for a hay fever victim to go picking posies.
“The WCTU will hold a meeting at Union Hall tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock … Mrs. Mildred Lipe Hubbell of Ann Arbor, state superintendent (of child welfare) will speak for conservation of babies. All who have small children are especially encouraged to attend … .
“Nature students who have a way of judging coming weather by the actions of birds and animals, are predicting early killing frosts and a regular winter. This prognostication is based on various facts, such as: Early congregating of woodpeckers, ready for migration a month ahead of schedule; redwing blackbirds are said to be doing the same; so are robins. One man tells us that gophers have already begun hibernating–a sure sign. Then–crops are being harvested earlier than usual. One can’t deny these long-distance fellows. They can see signs in almost everything.
Pg. 6
“J. C. Penney Co. Incorporated. 371 Busy Department Stores. MAPLE AND RIVER STREETS. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. WE THANK YOU.
“We wish to thank the people of Manistee and surrounding territory for their hearty support given us last Saturday, our opening day … We had 19 salespeople Saturday and could not begin to wait on the crowds … Good goods, square dealing and lowest prices … built for us this big organization, and we pledge our best efforts to make this store one that the Manistee people will be proud of. Again we say, WE THANK YOU.
Aug. 29, pg. 1
“Manistee bade good bye to Chautauqua last night. It probably is a long farewell.
“For lack of some organization or group of citizens to take the initiative and assume the responsibility, Manistee alone, of all Michigan cities in which the Chautauqua has pitched its tent this year, undoubtedly will not be represented in the circuit next year.
“With the sale of 466 season tickets already pledged, the call of General Manager John F. Chambers of this circuit for volunteer committeemen for next year (brought) but a feeble response last night, only four or five expressing a willingness to serve. In view of which Mr. Chambers at the close announced that Manistee’s chances for being included in next year’s routings are remote …
“In Traverse City … 85 men and women signed the required guarantee … In Cadillac … 42 guarantors were secured. Some contrast to the four who signed here.
“This year’s entertainment, the highest-class throughout that has been brought to Manistee, was put over by a committee of 20 local citizens, who by dint of much hard work cleared something around $117. Naturally some of these same people do not care to burden themselves with the same obligation for another year. None such appearing, it now looks like we will have to go Chautauqualess in 1923. If we want to enjoy it we may go to Traverse City–the roads probably will be repaired by then. Otherwise we can console ourselves with what the numerous carnivals which visit the city throughout the summer have to offer …
“Altogether the 1922 Chautauqua proved to be the finest Redpath has ever presented in Manistee. By failure to guarantee the Chautauqua for next year, Manistee deprives itself of its greatest summer treat.
Pg. 2
“AT THE LYRIC … Gloria Swanson in Elinor Glyn’s ‘BEYOND THE ROCKS’ with RODOLPH VALENTINO … A romantic drama of passionate young love struggling against convention — of gay Paris nights, dizzy adventure on Alpine cliffs, and the glittering world of English high society. With Gloria wearing the 50 latest and most gorgeous Paris gowns. Admission 10 cents and 30 cents.
Pg. 3
“The kids are preparing for the early opening of school by thinking up new ways of tormenting the teacher.
“Noah Little says: Strikes are always helpful. If it wasn’t for them who would we blame high prices on?
“Bye, Goloshes! (Under a photo–T. K.) Here’s the way the flapper will look next winter. Notice that the rubber gaiter, or bootee, fur-topped, has replaced the well-known golosh, original insignia of the flapper. (They look just like the boots we wear today, Fellow Flappers. — T. K.)
“STOP. EAT WITH US or we will both starve. PIES like mother used to make. Open day and night. SQUARE MEAL RESTAURANT.
Aug. 30, pg. 3
“According to estimates by Supt. Klager and Prin. Lyttle, the enrollment at the high school during the coming year will surpass that of all former years. Around 425 students are expected to enroll in the four classes.
“This is about 25 more than the four large session rooms in the building have seating accommodations for, but it is hoped to take care of the excess number in some way or other … .
“ … This morning in Justice Greve’s court … Frank Smuda of Oak Hill (was arraigned) on the charge of assault and battery against his wife.
“Smuda, it was said, had been on a drunk since last Saturday … In an attempt by his wife to take one of (the) bottles away from him, Smuda assaulted her …
“Smuda pleaded guilty this morning and was assessed $2 and costs and sentenced to serve 30 days in jail. The sentence was suspended upon promise to abstain from the use of liquor.
“Heeding the call of school, resorters are now trekking southward. For some it will mean the return to college, and to the younger element it will mean the return to grammar school.
“Automobile loads of summer sojourners are passing through the city daily. Many, living in the west, take the shortcut across the lake. As a result, all boats departing are taxed to capacity. The steamer Nevada of the Pere Marquette line carried about a hundred passengers and many automobiles when she cleared last night.
“Victor Records for Health Exercise. Twelve exercises furnished with complete instructions in special container. Price … $3. LYMAN’S.
“Upholstering of Refinement for Particular People. I shall be pleased to make your individual order. OVERSTUFFED CHAIRS. Large loose cushions or solid seat. Exclusive selection of tapestry, velour, velvet, mohair and leather. Custom work my specialty. Thomas Kubiskey. 445 RIVER ST. TELEPHONE 539-R.
“City workmen are resurfacing Second avenue.
“It begins to look as though there will be only one kind of coal, poor, and only one price, high.
“Noah Little says: The best substitute for brains is silence.
“The politicians express their opinions freely on the weather and the state of the crops but they are cautious in dealing with the strikes and the Volstead act.
“Steve Kowalski, living on a farm between Newland and Bar Lake, was picked up last night on Cleveland Street and lodged in jail, charged with being drunk. He was brought before Justice Greve this morning and after pleading guilty paid $5 and costs. Somehow or other he sustained a black eye and two bruises to his head while drunk.
Aug. 31, pg. 1
“The Chautauqua has been saved for Manistee. The Knights of Pythias have made it possible for the city to enjoy this series of entertainments in 1923.
“Rather than see the community deprived of the Chautauqua, the lodge was moved to undertake the responsibility of disposing of the necessary tickets. The sale of 700 tickets is required, and nearly 500 were pledged during the past Chautauqua week.
“With the contract signed by a number of local business men, and the sale of tickets guaranteed by the K. of Ps., the success of next year’s Chautauqua is practically assured …
“Chairman F. W. White of the 1922 Chautauqua Guarantors issued a public statement today congratulating the members of the sales force, who put it over the top this year in such a magnificent manner, on the success of their efforts …
“Mr. White declared, ‘Up to the last minute it looked as though there was going to be a deficit but the committee never quit working, and as a result we went handsomely over the top and have a small balance left … I believe Chautauqua was worth the effort; and I am glad to know that we will have Chautauqua next year.’
Pg. 3
“J. B. Gibb and Henry LaBare, who were on their way home to East Jordan from St. Joseph, in a motorboat, had the experience of being stranded on Lake Michigan beach just a little off Point Sauble, from early Tuesday afternoon until yesterday morning, when they were rescued by the crew of the local coast guard station, who had discovered the mishap … The craft had been washed ashore by the heavy sea Tuesday afternoon.
“The two men were none the worse for their 18-hour experience in their stranded boat … They continued their homeward journey today by train, leaving the light craft here for the present.
“In compliance with the Michigan statutes, the Manistee part-time or continuation school will be open for enrollment … This effects all boys and girls between 16 and 17 years of age who are working in any of the factories or are working as domestics. This school will be conducted for at least four days a week between the hours of one and five. All students are required to attend at least two half-days each week.
“Three courses are offered–the Shop Work course which in addition to shop work will include arithmetic, citizenship and English; the General course for girls which consists of sewing, citizenship, English, and arithmetic or hygiene; the Commercial course which will include bookkeeping, typewriting and shorthand …
“It is the plan of the school to call upon all the Manistee concerns employing a large number of boys and girls of the above age some time during the present week. The school appreciates very greatly the fine cooperative spirit our local firms have manifested … .
“Seats are selling fast for the boxing show to be given tomorrow night by the Elks in Ramsdell hall, and a big house is looked for.
“Those strikers who are holding up the fuel supply would be indignant if the doctor would not respond to calls unless he got higher pay.
“Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Miller returned yesterday from a combined business and pleasure trip to Chicago. Mr. Miller visited the fashion markets in the western metropolis. In order to get a consignment of goods here in time for a sale, it was necessary for him to hire a number of automobiles to transport the goods to the boat.
“‘Tis the eve of September morn.
“Stores will be closed all day Monday, Labor Day.
“It is predicted that congress will take hold of the strike problem courageously–after the election.
Aug. 3, pg. 4
“(Editorial) GROWING BIGGER.
“Communities, as well as individuals, are always seeking to grow bigger, and size becomes the aim and ambition of the progressive. Villages would develop into towns, towns into cities, and cities into metropolitan centers, while children want to be ‘big girls and boys,’ and the latter women and men. But when we attain our desires we never seem to be exactly satisfied, there is always something just beyond.
“Everywhere the towns and cities are striving to get factories and new business enterprises, in order that they may expand, increase their populations, and point with pride to their growth, and incidentally have thrust upon them additional problems. Manistee, along with the rest, naturally has this ambition.
“It would seem there would be a saturation point in this race for supremacy, but there is none. Chicago, for example, is already too large for its own comfort, with its packed streetcars, its teeming tenement and apartment districts, the crowded streets, the rush, and noise and whir. There is no joy in such a chaos, and so the more fortunate endeavor to secure residences in suburbs, going to and from their work in trains. Certainly Chicago and the people have nothing further to gain by greater size, and they have much to lose. And yet the Chicago trade bodies are constantly trying to accommodate more industries and commercial projects, inviting them to locate in that city and making special offers to secure them.
“It was not so long ago that Detroit was a pleasant residential city, but it can hardly be termed that now. It is too noisy and dirty and clamorous. Growth has followed in the wake of the automobile industry; the city has expanded too rapidly to keep up with its problems, but still it seeks to become bigger.
“It is a queer but probably natural process. Quantity rather than quality is sought, and comforts and pleasures are largely lost sight of in the battle for mere size.
“But if cities and individuals cease the struggle to go up hill, they will begin to slide down for they cannot remain stationary. It is the law of the universe.
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