Tag Archives: youve

Expert reveals tell-tale sign to know if you’ve been bitten

Expert reveals tell-tale sign to know if you’ve been bitten

[ad_1] Could the Paris bed bug infestation spread to the UK – or has it already? (Stock image: Getty) Paris is in the grip of a bed bug infestation, with fears that the insects are already en route to the UK. According to reports, bed bugs have not only been spotted in homes, but in public areas like cinemas, restaurants, hotels and hospitals as well as public transport. Experts say the French capital always sees a spike in bed bugs in late summer, but numbers are increasing […]

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Mind-blowing pictures of creepy crawlies under electron microscope are like nothing you’ve seen before

Mind-blowing pictures of creepy crawlies under electron microscope are like nothing you've seen before

[ad_1] IF insects gross you out in real life you probably aren’t prepared for what they look like under an electron microscope. Electron microscopes are used to closely examine the structures of small biological specimens and they can make the tiniest insects look like huge monsters. Maggot 4 Maggots aren’t particularly pretty in real life but they’re terrifying up closeCredit: Getty – Contributor This image shows a maggot up so close you can see its mouthparts. Maggots are fly larvae and are usually found on decaying matter. […]

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